Elect Judge David S. Milton For District Attorney, Los Angeles County

Milton Battles Gascon, Soros and Soaring Crime

LOS ANGELES— Thursday night, January 19, 2024, Los Angeles Magazine sponsored a candidate forum for Los Angeles County District Attorney race. All but two of the dozen candidates attended, including both Judge David Milton and District Attorney George Gascón. Judge Milton confronted Mr. Gascón directly demonstrating that our current District Attorney is part of a national pro-criminal, anti-victim syndicate of District Attorneys throughout the Nation that includes Philadelphia, New York, Chicago, Alameda and Los Angeles. Milton pointed out that the common thread among them is that all of them have the same soft on crime and pro-criminal policies and George Soros funded each of their campaigns.
Milton noted that, “All of the cities ‘protected’ by Soros District Attorney’s, including Los Angeles, have a problem with ‘hate’ crimes or more specifically not prosecuting ‘hate’ crimes when they occur. Whether it is attacks on Jews, people of color, or because of religious bigotry, those District Attorneys like George Gascón, have refused to take aggressive action to stop this cancer invading our society.”
But that is not all. “Routinely, Gascon ‘undercharges’ illegal aliens solely to protect them from being deported.” “This is his written office policy and directive to all deputies.” This adds to the volume of dangerous criminals to our streets, causing the soaring crime wave faced by these Cities, including Los Angeles.”, Judge Milton lamented. “Until all criminals, regardless of immigration status, are treated equally”, Milton said, “our communities are endangered by a District Attorney who prioritizes the interests of criminals from foreign countries over the safety of our own citizens.”
While the other candidates focused on the crime wave, the lack of morale in the District Attorney’s office, or the exploding instances of “Smash and Grab” thefts witnessed every day, only Judge Milton exposed the root cause—the connection between ‘soft on crime’ policies and George Soros’ campaign contributions. The other candidates, including Democrats and those registered as No Political Party—liberals one and all in their views—refused to join the battle over the Soros/Gascón connection.
Judge David Milton is the only Republican in the race and is the only candidate willing to take on the one man who is the root cause of why we have a pro-criminal, anti-victim District Attorney in the first place.

For more information on how Judge Milton would battle the soaring crime in Los Angeles
County, visit miltonforda.com.